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Academic Resources
DeCal: Hidden Intersections: Addressing Systemic Bias in STEM
The objectives of the Decal is tog gain appreciation for how women, people of color, other marginalized groups have contributed to physical sciences/STEM, learn how to analyze historical narratives critically, gain a better understanding of the challenges for underrepresented students in STEM and what we can do about it. Examine how culture, ethnicity, race, and gender intersect with the practice of science and consider how to be ethical scientists.
APS Conference for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (CU*IP)
APS CU*IP is a is to help undergraduate women and gender minorities continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to peers in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.
Berkeley/LBNL will be one of the hosts of the CU*IP 2025.
Date: January 24-26, 2025
Location: Berkeley/LBNL for Berkeley Students; other locations if you are not near Berkeley.
For more details, go to the website.

APS March/April Meetings
APS March & April Meetings are conferences that you can learn more about different research fields and present about your own research either as a presentation or a poster.
To give a (poster) presentation or to get a scholarship for the funding the traveling, you need to pay attention to the conferences months earlier.
Apart from March/April Meetings, APS also have meetings for different divisions of research and etc.
For more details, go to the website.
Future of Physics at Caltech
Future at Caltech is an all-expenses paid event at the start of fall for rising junior or senior undergraduates (and/or former undergraduates) interested in pursuing a physics PhD, centered on the experiences of gender minorities in physics.
For more details, go to the website.
DEI Resources
Berkeley Physics Department DEI
For more details, go to the website.
Berkeley Physics Town Hall
Each semester, physics department and E&I student representatives hold town hall for students to give feedbacks to the physics department and communities on various issues including problems on E&I.
SVSH Resources
Mental Health Resources
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